Selected List of Publications



At the City Lights


Acta, Alien Buddha, Antigonish Review, Argotist Poetry, Art Bar Poetry Series, Ascent Aspirations Magazine, Aught, Big Bridge, B.C. Monthly, Better Than Starbucks, Big Pond Rumours, Blazing Stadium, Blazevox Journal, Blue & Yellow Dog, Blue Fifth Review, Blue Lycra Review, Blue Skies, BOGG, Boog City, Boundary 2, Brave New Word, Brickyard, Buzdokuz, The Café Review, Canadian Dimension, Canadian Literature, Canadian Poetry Review, Cede Poetry, Chelsea, Chiron Review, Cloven Hoof, CommuterLit, Crosscountry, CV2, dANDelion, Descant, Die Leere Mitte, Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, Distāntia, Eclectica Magazine, Empty Mirror, Epoch, eratio, Eunoia Review, Exacting Clam, Event, Evergreen Review, Exquisite Corpse, The Fieldstone Review, Flarestack, Former People, Friday’s Poems, Frog Pond Review, Futures Trading, Glossolalia, Golden Handcuffs Review, Grain, Harbringer Asylum, Hard Press, In Parenthesis, Inter/face, Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Ixion, Jacket, Jerry Jazz Musician, Line Rider Press, Literary Yard, Litter Magazine, Live Mag!, Locust, M58, Mantis, The Maynard, Misfit, Moss Trill, Mudlark, Neon Garden, New Mystics, North Carolina Anvil, North of Oxford, Obsessed with Pipework, Off Course, Oleada, Orbis, Origami Poems Project, Origins, Otoliths, PageFiftyOne, Pamenar Press Magazine, Pawn to Infinity, The Pearl, Pif Magazine, Pinstripe Fedora, Planet Earth Poetry, Poetry Canada Review, Poetry Pause, Prairie Fire, Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, Problématique, Projected Letters, Quills, Raft Magazine, Ragged Lion Press, Rampike, Ranger, Rasputin: A Poetry Thread Anthology, Rattle Magazine, RealPoetik, Red Ogre Review, REM Magazine, Rolling Stone, Rune, Scud, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Sepia, Skanky Possum, Soanyway, Squawk Back, Streetcake, Stride Magazine, Subterranean Blue Poetry Journal, Switchback Magazine, Switched-on Gutenberg, Synchronized Chaos, Tads, Tarzan and the Apes, Telephone, Terrible Work, Terror House Magazine, The Nashwaak Review, The New Quarterly, The Toronto Quarterly, Tuatara, The Typescript, Unlikely Stories, Utsanga, Van Gogh’s Ear, Var(2x), Verse Wisconsin, Wascana Review, West Coast Review, White Wall Review, Win, Windsor Review, Wisconsin Review, Writing, X-peri, Ygdrasil.



Hologram for PK Page (Caitlin Press)
Rasputin: A Poetry Thread Anthology
Resist Much Obey Little (Spuyten Duyvil Books)
The Children of Orpheus Anthology (Subterranean Blues Poetry)
Even The Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry (Salmon Poetry)
Take Heart (Take Action Poetry)
Born Again Beef (Lost Olympics Press)
New: West Coast (Intermedia Press)


Folded longsheet poem (The Blasted Tree, Calgary, 2019)


Vancouver Co-op Radio, CFRO


Ragged Lion Press’s YouTube Channel, London